Saturday 28 August 2010

Who is the King of the Jungle?

The Lion was feeling strong and proud and wanted
to confirm he was the king of the jungle.
As he went about the Majestic African Jungle ,
the Lion met the Monkey,
stopped and asked him:
"Who is the King of the Jungle?"
The Monkey bowed and answered
"You Sire".

With a smile of satisfaction and feeling grand and reassured
the Lion saw the Hyena and repeated the question to the Hyena
who again confirmed that indeed the Lion was the King of the Jungle.

The Lion then noticed an Elephant towering above him.
Solemnly chewing the bark of a Mopani tree.
"Who is the King of the Jungle?"
the Lion briskly demanded of the elephant.

Now the elephant large and dominating believes
himself to be the king of the jungle
and he did not appreciate this little upstart
bothering him while he was eating.

So without further ado
the elephant swooped the Lion off its feet
and threw him against the Mopani tree.

Before the Lion could shake his senses back,

the elephant picked it up again and beat him against a rock.

The Lion managed to break free from the powerful grip
of the elephant's trunk, stood at a distance and said:

"No, no, no, you do not have to be so nasty and violent,
just because you do not know the answer".

But the question remains who is the king of the Jungle?

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