Saturday 28 August 2010

Just because you heard it first - doesn't mean it is the truth!

When God had finished creation he wanted to send people an important message.

He called the chameleon to go and tell every one that after death they will return to life.

The lizard had eavesdropped and was jealous that the chameleon had been chosen so decided to tell everyone first - she should have been chosen she was fater than the slow old chameleon!

Unfortunately in her haste she had misheard what the chameleon was told.

She rushed out to spread the news:

"After death there is no return."

People thought the lizard's message made sense and must be the truth.

When at last the chameleon arrived and to pass God's message, people laughed at him and said:

"You stupid chameleon, we already know that we are all going to die and that death is the end of everything."

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